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4 0 grade account_circle radiating blue
6 0 grade account_circle radiating blue
7 2 grade account_circle bronzed bloom mandala2
4 2 grade account_circle bronzed bloom mandala1
2 0 grade account_circle radiating gold bubbles
6 0 grade account_circle glazed fire wheel
18 0 grade account_circle golden lamplight glow
17 1 grade account_circle green pointed petals
10 0 grade account_circle riveting green links
12 0 grade account_circle riveting green links
18 0 grade account_circle sun circle mandala
10 1 grade account_circle blue bloom mandala
19 0 grade account_circle circus color circles mandala
19 1 grade account_circle light blue lace mandala
42 1 grade account_circle layered golden glow mandala
2 1 grade account_circle glass offices tower
17 0 grade account_circle light rays fan-fold flower
12 1 grade account_circle fur centred green pointed peta
18 0 grade account_circle rose red circular square manda
13 1 grade account_circle blue & brown star rays mandala
8 0 grade account_circle round red radishes
20 1 grade account_circle round red radishes
27 1 grade account_circle round red radishes
14 0 grade account_circle round red radishes
9 0 grade account_circle fiery ribbing
2 0 grade account_circle red cabbage textures3
4 0 grade account_circle red cabbage textures4
27 1 grade account_circle Perspective Pattern
3 0 grade account_circle artificial candle painting2
0 0 grade account_circle artificial candle painting1
5 0 grade account_circle purple mosaic mandala
24 0 grade account_circle squared orange textures
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17 0 grade account_circle blue cogwheel mandala
4 0 grade account_circle light centred brown mandala
8 0 grade account_circle blue & white flower mandala
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11 1 grade account_circle blue sky star vibrations
2 0 grade account_circle painted golden orb1cpp
6 0 grade account_circle Geometric Round Frame 1
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